Selasa, 20 Desember 2016

Hype on Socmed: OM TELOLET OM

What is the meaning of Om Telolet Om? Why so many people said it on their personal socmed like Instagram, Twitter, or even comment in celeb's account so that this word going viral?

Well, actually it started as a joke by Indonesian people, especially teenager. They stand by the side of the street, waiting for bus or truck to pass them, and shout loudly "Om Telolet Om". Then the bus driver will honk at them. "Om" means uncle in Indonesian. We call the driver with "Om" since mostly driver are male. Then "Telolet" is the sound of bus horn. It kinda different from other vehicle's horn. Because only some vehicles have it by modification. Usually big ride as bus or truck have it.

Teenagers do that on the street, record it, and upload in their social media. Then make hastag #omteloletom. It already viral in Indonesia. By that hashtag, Om Telolet Om succeeded to get trending on twitter. Some people start commenting on international artist's post by that word then the artist start to question it. Who knows that simple jokes going international??

And here I give you some Instagram's videos about Om Telolet Om that I've already pick.

What do you think about this? Or maybe you're ready to do this trend too?

P.s. Sorry for my grammar ._.v


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